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Random Thoughts

 26th June 2004

Where are you from, we are from England

Where you come from do they put the kettle on?

SIGH! Again, heartbroken again; England was heroic and yet flawed. I have a lot to say on this and will add it to the Arsenal/England section.

I recently finally read the Singapore chapter in my encyclopedia of overseas Chinese. Gosh it is nearly two years since my first copy was destroyed! Anyway the Singapore chapter was fascinating and crystallised for me some impressions that I have formed in my stay here. Still waters run deep; I believe Singapore is the result of three interwoven currents; namely the cold war, the dismantling of Empire (the two obvious ones) and a more complicated deep lying current I would describe as Huaquiaoness and how to define what it is to be Chinese and run a country outside of China.

The book makes the point that the depth of generations in Singapore is quite shallow, most of the Singaporeans I know have a Chinese born parent or grandparent. That is a very shallow population, akin to prewar USA, except the USA was run by an elite that stretched back to the original colonies separate from the immigrant lumpen proletariat crammed into the urban sprawls. Therefore the huaqiaoness of the country is strong and the prewar story of Singapore is about defining what it is to be a Singaporean rather than simply a Chinese overseas. The definition of modern Singapore and where the power would lie was fought for in the classroom. The entire chapter of the encyclopedia centers on education. The struggle here can be summed up in two of LKY's quotations

In 1970 he said 'learning by rote, as the Chinese did for 2000 years, was a system that was calculated to maintain stability and discourage innovation'. The price of stability was the exclusion of imperial China from the great scientific and technological discoveries of the west, and the industrial revolution'. Yet LKY, as many in Singapore, feels that he is the inheritor of a Chinese scholastic tradition that predates Western civilisation and is in many ways its superior; he said of the British high commissioner in 1965 'he has 400 years of empire, and my ancestors have 4000 years of written recorded history'. In fact in 1997 he reiterated that 'Singapore needs a Chinese proficient elite' a core group of Chinese Singaporeans who are steeped in and knowledgeable about Chinese culture, history, literature and the arts'.

So we have the lure of the west, free and decadent set against the traditions of Confucianism & Chineseism, often confused and blended into Asian values. A white paper passed in Parliament in 1991 highlighted the concept of government by honourable men (junzi) who have a duty to do right for the people and who have the trust and respect of the population 'fits us better than the western idea that the government should be given as limited power as possible, and should be treated with suspicion unless proven otherwise'.

 In 1997 the Singapore cabinet was awarded 8 million dollars in damages in libel suits against the opposition

 3rd June

When I get off of this mountain, you know where I want to go

Last night I dreamt I was singing on stage with The Band, but I was so excited I could not remember the words and started crying! Pathetic, still I enjoyed the dream. Levon seemed particularly impressed with my rendition of Atlantic City, but why did I choose a Springsteen track instead of one of the classics?

Ok the very sad news is my granddad passed away last week, very suddenly. He was 84 but was very healthy and we had no inkling. I remember discussing with him at Christmas whether he should buy a Rav 4 to replace his SAAB. Quiet as he was we shall all miss him terribly. And it is sad that I have no more grandparents left, and I have had a lot of grandparents. The funeral is next week but it does not look like I will make it. But perhaps I can get home this summer to cheer up the folks.

Last weekend was spent in the company of rock stars, hence the dream about the Band perhaps. Well perhaps not exactly stars but interviewing Chris Ho and Zircon Government Pawn Stars was a real riot. Quite fun to be backstage at a real gig at the esplanade, Suzie Low was the best interview; she was a scream, but I am sure Kev will end up cutting out the best bits. I need to try and get the outtakes on VCD.

I scored a goal for Hibs, my third for Hibs but my first for social and my fourth of the season. It is not enough, but it is a start. The landmark moment though is that this goal has been reported on the net. If you click here, http://www.espzen.com/champ_fixtures.asp and click on the match report for Racing Carnegies versus Hibernians, you will see the immortal words, 42 mins James equalises. The first time a James O'Brien goal has been written about on the internet by someone not called James O'Brien. Andy Warhol was so so right.

Am in the process of my end of season review, that is due this weekend. I was disappointed by England's display against Japan. 4 central midfielders and no width or penetration, Rooney looking lost, perhaps inside a pie emporium. Lots of work to do for the highest paid manager in the UK!

Mother and I discussed Fragrant Harbour and agreed it has a Conrad like quality. Recommended to all.

nuff said.... 

24th May 2004

Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new beat..

I was dancing in the streets; in a suit in bugis at 11am! In front of more than a hundred bemused on lookers, passers by and wasters. All for art darling! Scally anyone from work turned up; heng that no one I knew came along. Mind you it was kind of fun, behaving like a total numpty in front of lots in strangers... hmm putting it like that it sounds much the same as any weekend.

Yes finally shooting is underway and I managed to miss an eggregious cup final thanks to it. For that alone it was worthwhile. But next Saturday is huge interviewing the FHM and Zircon G'ahment pawn stars! I shall be back stage at the esplanade (you know the place where all the naff stuff gets shown) if anyone wants to pop by and say hello. This will be the closest I get to being a rock star and it is pretty chuffing far away really! Oh well, it should be interesting. Not heard much of their music, but the whole concept is intriguing. Will it be their last date at the Durians; for the sake of their credibility I hope so.

I am reading my Chinese encyclopedia again, on to the Philippines now. Been working very long hours in May but got the feeling we are going somewhere; the future is bright, it is all red and white.

14th May 2004

That what you fear the most, can meet you half way

Can I just jot down every dodgy Bush and his Republican guard fact I know,

  1. He would not ratify the global small arms treaty because of the US's policy on right to bear arms
  2. Pulled out of the global landmines treaty
  3. Pulled out of the Kyoto protocol, which his bloody dad set up
  4. Has family connections to Osama and the Saudi royal family; even worked to evacuate Bin Laden's extended family in the states in the aftermath of 911 (erm should not they have been questioned at least?)
  5. After 911 immediately wanted to pursue Iraq despite being told there was no connection between Al Qaida and Iraq. The Afghan war, his only triumph, was not even his idea; hmmm no wonder they have not caught Osama.
  6. Had large sections of the 911 report blanked out, most of which referred to Saudi (his old pals)
  7. Denied the rights of Guantanemo prisoners to basic representation under civil or military law. Denied them the right to Geneva Convention, no habeas corpus. In fact they have no rights at all.
  8. Ignored the red cross reports on serious abuses in Iraqi prisons
  9. Awarded lucrative contracts to US firms (from which he and his cabinet receive substantial donations) in Iraq with no transparent tendering process.
  10. Oh look a whole year and still no Iraqi government; no one said it would take a whole year did they? Meanwhile oil is pumped out by US co.s. Very lucrative oil now the price is over 40 USD a barrel.

11th May 2004

I am in the Highbury Sunshine

How bad in Dubya? How much worse can Iraq get? Trick question as the answer is worse, much worse.

But will it stop Uncle George winning the election?!

Should The Republican Guard actually be in danger of losing the next US election I can expect two things to be done to try and swing it

1. Bring Osama out of the CIA witness protection programme where he currently is living in Desmoine Iowa and stage a mock capture in the tora borah mountains

2. Have a staged (or perhaps real) shooting of Dubya in order to clinch the sympathy vote.

Alternatively they could just rig the voting machines and get the supreme court to declare them winners as they did last time!

28th April 2004


nuff said....

24th April

The office should play non-stop Meatloaf in the background, just for a laugh. And it means I would not have to sing them myself

Ever since I can remember you've been hanging round this joint...

19th April

The top 10 things you NEVER want to hear in your life

  1. Son I'm gay
  2. Is it in yet?
  3. Lets just be friends
  4. It is ok I like bald guys
  5. I'm late
  6. Dad I want a Manchester United shirt for Christmas
  7. We are moving the department to Slough
  8. Unfortunately we cannot sew it back on.
  9. How much were you expecting to see in your pension fund?
  10. It's ok we can try again later

16th April

A friend in need's a friend indeed

A friend that bleeds is better


OK everybody ready.. in the pool .. champion!


I am in a film. Well I should be, if it actually happens. I play the part of a foreign (naturallement) journalist who is investigating Singapore's social mores and taboos. If you want to read more the website is here http://www.noodlem.com/. The film seems like fun but I am not sure we shall ever get to show it anywhere. Nevertheless it is something different non?


I read the book Fragrant Harbour; an epic story spanning 70 years of HK history. It was the history part I especially relished. Funny when I read the reviews (I always read reviews after I have read the book, they give so much away) they criticised the cold tone and lack of emotion; naturally those reviewers were female. The whole delight of the book was its lack of whinging sentimentality and crap romance; also is not the avoidance of mawkish soppiness what makes the English, English. I was delighted to read a book with such an English accent as films these days insist on having male characters break down and sob at the sight of an untied shoelace. Modernity is rubbish. Anyway I genuinely believe a lot of the reviewers are jealous as the book is truly excellent. A nice touch at the end to see the English power-suit-wearing journalist turned promoter femme-fatale has a photograph of her Mercedes CLK on her desk where most would have one of their family.


I am playing lots of football now and really enjoying playing for Hibs, I found the Hibernian FC's website the other day (the Singapore one not the one in Edinburgh). Have a look at my team-mates at http://www.hiberniansfc.com/. See if I can get my mugshot up there sometime.


My whole family was in Madrid last week and went to see Real play Ossasuna courtesy of Raul my sister's friend. That would have been fantastic, I do miss out on some things being here.


I love the Arsenal, 3 more wins needed.


22nd March


Thank you Arsene Wenger for all our winning


Hello, been a while but thought I would paste something up quickly. I agree with the suggestion of breaking up this page; I shall be adding a Random Thoughts page to this website soon.


Happy as Larry to win a prize playing Rugby on Saturday; first time I had ever held a rugby ball before. Scoring tries is quite fun as is jumping on and levelling opponents. Also very very very happy that Arsenal now jointly hold the magic 29 games record. What a team, a moment to cherish! Did not particularly like Singapore's new Arsenal pub though. The crowd in there was dead! New boss starting in two weeks, hooray.


I was asked today who had the greater affect on modern history, Hitler or Lenin. I would say Lenin for the following debatable and prejudiced reasons.

1. Because I would look upon his work as having a lasting impression on the world whereas Hitler's was apocalyptic but ultimately ephemeral.

2. National Socialism as an ideology has made no permanent impression on the world but Leninist communism is still extant and affecting modern politics.

3. In sheer size of people Leninism has affected more people in a more direct manner. And affected more continents. All of them in fact.

4. Arguably Leninism has not had a wholly destructive impact on modern history/politics

5. Without Lenin there would have been no Hitler.

6. Since 1945 Western political thought has been defined in relation to Leninism


Finally, I read 'Eats, Shoots and Leaves'. I enjoyed it but overall it is neither a purely humorous book nor a true guide to grammar. At times she is just too blinking clever as she mercilessly exposes my appalling punctuation mistakes. Many of which have taken me years of negligence and ignorance to acquire; she expects me to ditch all that. Never may the yob's comma be continued to be used with gay abandon and ya boo sucks to the oxford comma brigade.

That told em!


5th March


ooooh baby, I wanna know..


I have decided that Bin Laden is all ready in US custody, ready to be 'captured' just before the election.


Of course my suggestion that he is on a CIA pension is totally off the wall...


What an FA Cup draw! That was so predictable. But it is good really, something to aim at, revenge for the disaster of 99. I will have to write on that in the Arsenal section along with the curse of  Sandra this Saturday.

Here as promised is my question and answer session with Ricky; of course the poor English is Ricky's :-p



1)Back when you were in England,could you describe the circumstances under which you were given this opportunity to come over to work here in Singapore?


I joined my present company in the UK after my masters degree in 1997. I first came to Singapore in 1998 for four months on a work assignment in 1998 so I knew the place well. When an opportunity came to join my company's branch in Singapore I applied for the post.


2)Why did you choose to travel halfway across the world to come here to work?


I came for the cultural adventure and because I wanted to work in Asia, where I believe there are many opportunities and challenges. I have been interested in Asia since young and studied Asian history at University. I wanted to experience the culture and meet the challenge of working abroad. I also feel the quality of life in Singapore is very high.


3)What kind of expectations did you have of Singapore, in terms of work and lifestyle? Adaptation in working


I knew a lot about Singapore from my stay in 1998. I knew I would find adapting easy; the lifestyle is more relaxed and enjoyable than London.


1)When you first arrive here,were there any cultural shocks?


I found that Singaporeans in general had a very poor knowledge of history, geography and literature. I believe the school system neglects these subjects. This means that even some very articulate, intelligent Singaporeans know very little history indeed.


2)When you first arrived at ur workplace in Singapore,what are the differences in organisation culture,working hours,working styles and attitudes etc that you have noticed as compared to your working culture back in England?Do you find those differences hard to bear?How do you manage to adapt to the Singaporean style of working?


The working culture was not extremely different. London is also an extremely Kiasu place and also I am working in an international company with people from many different countries not just Singapore. The hours worked in both countries are long and certainly Singaporeans do not work longer hours than Londoners. Singaporeans take proper lunches, which I enjoy, rather than Londoners who tend to eat at their desk. I have noticed that in Singapore offices people laugh and joke less than in the UK. This makes the atmosphere less convivial, which is a shame.


3)How long did it take you to adapt to the Singapore working culture?


I adapted very quickly. People have remarked that I am quieter and less forthcoming with opinions and I do not crack as many jokes as when I was back in the UK. I am not sure that is a good thing!


4)What are your likes and dislikes in relation to the Singapore style of working?


I generally enjoy working in Singapore. People here take pride in their work. But I feel people could 'lighten up' to use the American expression. People can work and still laugh and joke, in fact I think that banter helps build morale and team spirit.

5)Do you find it difficult to communicate with the locals?If so,why? Social Aspects


I find it very easy to communicate with Singaporeans, who are generally very friendly. But I find that often Singaporeans are reticent and will not actively seek social interaction in the work place.


1)Do you like the food and weather here?If not,why?


I love the food. I also enjoy the way Singaporean culture places a great emphasis on good food. Something sadly lacking in the UK. I love the weather but I do not like the aircon! Most buildings are far too cold.


2)How long did it take you to fully adjust to the climate and food here?


I adapted very quickly. I enjoyed it from the start.


3)What are your likes and dislikes about Singapore as a society?


I like the food, the people, the amount of things to do (it is a myth that Singapore lacks things to do). I like the fact that it has an interesting blend of people and cultures, Singapore is unique in that way.

I think that Singapore has not really embraced creativity either in the work place or school.



)Do you see yourself staying here on a long-term basis?


Possibly, I am not sure. I very much enjoy living here.


2)Do you see any possibility of yourself becoming a citizen or PR here?

A PR is a possibility yes, but I would not give up my UK citizenship.

28th February 2004

Squeeze me babe, till the juice runs down my leg

Nice line that; Robert Johnson; cannot beat him. Not much new in my world right now (as if you care la). Joined a new football team. Hibernians, very appropriate team for me n'est-ce-pas? Do not know if Stanchart will start playing again soon, but may end up with two games every Sunday from now on.

I am off to the theatre to see a Marriage of Inconvenience, I am very happy as this year I have been to the theatre twice and not been to the cinema at all! Hooray. All films look bad to me right now, but if anyone has a suggestions let me know la. Also off to a ya ya picnic tomorrow which should be interesting, an unusual Singapore activity.

Had so much to say in the week, but am lacking inspiration. Reading Eats Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss. I really just cannot get so excited about semi-colons; not sure why. But I shall use as many as possible henceforth. Should purchase a copy for the boss.

Bush will win the next US election, sad to say. My prediction way ahead of time; the economy is turning round for him just in time. Haiz.

Just filling out Ricky's questionnaire on living in Singapore, may put it on this site.

Got a new loser on my corkboard.

17th February 2004

That what you fear the most can meet you half way

What an extra-ordinary 7 days of lows and highs. Can I have a quiet week for once?

Just finished reading He Kills Coppers, a fantastic, powerful, gripping read. My fourth book since I finished the rescue, not bad for a Pikey chavster like me. The book was inspired by a terrace chant that I have no real memory of, before my time, "Harry Roberts is our friend, is our friend, is our friend, he kills coppers"; to the tune of London Bridge is falling down. The character in the book is called Billy Porter but is based on a real life criminal Harry Roberts who is still in the nick for murdering three rozzers back in 66! One of the very few people on genuine life sentences, in fact. Anyway Billy is just a vehicle for the author to explore British society (its seamier side) in the 60s especially but he also contrasts it with the 70s and the hideous 80s. The three main characters are Billy himself, a copper called Frank who is trying to be straight but end up compromising himself to get ahead in his career, and is thus wracked with guilt, and a psychotic homo-sexual, sociopathic tabloid journalist (good to see some things have not changed).
It made me reflect how much better off we are in Britain of the 21st century compared to the era of my childhood. I reflected on the major domestic news items of the time; we had the miner's strike, the battle of beanfield (Stonehenge rem that one?), the Greenham common demos, Riots at Toxteth, Brixton and later Broadwater farm, hunger strikes and IRA bombs, 4 million unemployed, Poll Tax riots, Heysel and Hillsborough. I sound like a Billy Joel song now but it was all going off all over the blinkin country. And this was the backdrop to my cushioned suburban North London childhood, British society was changing and it was painful. Now the most disturbing domestic news surrounds scientists' mysterious suicides and serial killing GPs. We face threats of course but the 911 situation has made these appear to be from some external, alien enemy; it is a fear of the other. We do not have the same domestic upheavals going on, now we just export violence by invading defenceless countries far from home (how buggered is Iraq now I ask you?).

Blimey that is a bit dreary and deep for a Tuesday; I shall have to give up this reading lark eh.

What about Reyes's first goal on Sunday! Eat that one you hacks of Wapping.

17th February 2004

Here is the far away land, strange that the backs of my hands, should be damp with expectancy

Sad! Have to write after a defeat, such a rare phenomenon these days. Lets hope this is a real one off. The lack of cutting edge showed the other night. OK save that for the Arsenal section.

Can I ask for a minute's silence for the passing of Tottenham's season?

I finished Foucault's pendulum this week. I regret not going to see it now when in Paris in 98, I was nearby; I recognised some of the street names in the book. I shall have to have a Foucault day in Paris sometime and trace the book's steps. What a coup for Foucault, being the inspiration behind that book, propelled him to far greater fame worldwide than his own cheem writings would have managed. I am tempted to read him now whereas I doubt I would have before. As for the conservatoire des arts et metiers they must have made a fortune on the back of it. This was the second time i had read it, the last was back in the mad summer of 95 after my degree and during the Rebecca year. Re-reading the book I had a better perspective on it, before I saw Templars everywhere and was wrapped up in the whole neoplatonic, sufi, cabalistic world of Rebecca and her artist friends. Looking back those were heady days, going to gallery viewings for the Islamic institute of art, the RCA and St Martin's, seeing books from Prince Charles's own a Gnostic library (Prince Charles is a sufi so they say). Knee deep in Rosicrucians, Templars, Cabalists, Alchemists, Occultist, Neoplatonists, Manichaeists, Jesuits, Sufis, Gnostics, Cathars. For Rebecca's artist friends (more associates than friends) these are not historical curio but living movements and philosophies. No doubt they are into this stuff man. I remember seeing a picture of Plato's planetary map drawn at the Islamic institute and wondering whether the young artist believed in it in a spiritual, mataphysical or actual (kick the stool) kind of a way. The latter I feel.

The book is a pastiche and paean to all of this, after reading it one can never look at European history in quite the same way. The book is gripping at the beginning, tiresome in the middle but gathers pace again at the end. The Brazilian stuff is very annoying as are the constant reminiscences of Belbo and his trumpet and the female characters are just dreadful but if you ever wanted to read a serious book that feature homonculae then this is the one for you.

Right I am off to look for Kundalini, a lifetime quest.

19th January 2004

He'd love to come and see us but he thinks he'd blow our minds

What a top charlie banana weekend that was. A hum dinger. Went to that Igor's restaurant here in Singapore. A horror theme and a very blue musical. That was fun but it was the Arsenal that stole the show, with a bit of help from Wolves.

I love Chinese New Year, I get to lounge around and do nowt whilst everyone is exhausting themselves visiting relatives, eating oranges and being asked when they will give ang pow (sp!) and stop receiving. Basically Chinese new year is great as long as one is not Chinese.

OK i just want to talk about The Arsenal today.

14th January 04

Charging an Italian politician with corruption is much the same as charging a German with being boring.

How about this for an idea; your company is facing an asbestos lawsuit which could bankrupt it. Your former vice-president is now vice-president of the country. Because of his political position he cannot intercede directly in the case. So you start a war against a country which has no friends at all and which you have surrounded. The country also happens to have the world's fourth largest oil reserves. Your company is oil and Construction Company guaranteed to win lucrative contracts. Suddenly the asbestos cash is petty change. Welcome to the P.N.H.C, Project for the New Halliburton Century.

I had the strangest dream last night, I woke up at 5am in a panic. Some dark and mysterious forces were chasing me. Reason was I had conclusive proof that there was a conspiracy against that Arsenal (well we all have that all ready) but I had documents, tape recordings and photos. It even specifically indicated that it wasn't the refs but at higher levels of the FA that this originated. But the trick was it didn't finish there, no this was linked to a movement that had plans to murder the royal family and take over the government. Rem Prince Harry often goes to Highbury.

I spoke to Robert Pires about it and he knew it all but couldn't say.

I was on my way to deliver my evidence to the Gooner (well Fleet Street was in on the plot) when they caught my tail, I was in a fix but then woke up at 5am

Thank god it was just a dream eh

Cobblers it is

Gooners know it's all a conspiracy

You can even buy a t-shirt, now I have to get one


This dream was probably influenced by me reading Foucault's Pendulum at the moment which is full of conspiracies.

11th January 04

With every idol a bring down, every goddess a let down

2004, that sounds so futuristic doesn't it. As J Nicholson observed we should all be wearing one piece silver spandex suits and travelling to work in hover cars by now. At least that is what we imagined twenty years ago. In fact things are much the same as they were in the 13th century apart from condoms and mobile phones. The former being a far superior invention to the latter. Hmm must put my anti-mobile rant on this site sometime (and yes I am an addict, I confess).

OK so it was christmas and New Year at home again. Well where else would one wish to be? I had the longest christmas day ever flying on BA at 11pm arriving at Heathrow at 6am. Great flight, I had four seats together to kip on though amazingly they had run out of turkey (ayam blanda or Dutch chicken) by the time they fed me so I had to have the veggie pasta, haiz. OK i digress into meaningless and tedious detail. My mother cooked so much food over the christmas period, I do not ever remember eating so well. I hardly felt like leaving the house, so it was a good job we had the football to go and see!

Saw a lot of family, sadly all my cousins are divorced. All my friends are now getting married at the same time my cousin's did. My advice don't spend too much on the wedding, it may not be the last. The average lifespan of a marriage is 9 years these days so budget accordingly.

So what is playing on the cd today

American Roots LP, a collection of early blues and bluegrass http://www.pbs.org/americanrootsmusic/

Humble Pie the BBC sessions http://www.humble-pie.net/

Frank Zappa Son of Cheap Thrills http://www.zappa.com/

Oh the office christmas special was the only decent thing on Christmas Telly this year. There were far too many of those 100 best soundbites of the 80s style shows. Where various rent-a-quotes would gob off about stuff they obviously know sod all about. Christmas telly my Arse.

Meet me at the back of the blue bus

OK have to put in a quick update. Two interesting things up. Apparently I am chatted about on IRC. Somebody from England (whom I have not met before) wrote to me this week to say that some girls from Singapore were slagging me off on IRC! Oooh intriguing, go on Mum, Sis own up what were you doing on IRC?

Second just building up to the Bolton game on Sat. Last year's was the lowest of all low points. Firstly we were kicked out of the game by the Northern buggers, Myles at www.anr.uk.com mentions that Fat Sam and Sir Demento played golf together two days before that game. But horror of horrors not only was that the night we lost the league but it was also the night that Sandra met that nice Daniel chappy! Alamak

Lets hope the football party on Sat sees us gain revenge on Bolton, even if it is a bit late to do anything about the other thing

13th Dec

Every single minute, every hour, every day

I am in the office, it is Saturday, and I am on my long weekend off. As the bloke from Arseblog would say, total c u next tuesday.

I went to see the film that every chick in town must love (Love Actually). I can understand why as every heart throb in English cinema was in it! It had some lovely scenes of London and had a good feel good tone with some interesting observations and ideas. But I wasn't convinced that the dialogue, characters or humour was that fantastic. The characters lacked depth and one couldn't see their motivations. For example why did Alan Rickman decide to cheat!? And how do they all fall in love so easily!? I did like Colin the shag machine on his US exploits! Sadly the chances of the UK having a prime minister as nice as Hugh Grant's character is pure fairy tale. As is sticking up for ourselves versus the Yanks. I think it is a bad sign when I go to see a film and I only know the actor's names and not the character's names. It means I haven't got into the characters enough.

9th Dec

I believe in a thing called love, oooooeeeooohh

Ok where to start, sorry to my loyal readers (me myself and I) for not updating in chuffing ages. What can I say but the lame old Singaporean non-excuse of being too busy! Things have moved on so fast that I don't know where to start.

9th Nov

I am back from an incredible holiday in China, It will command a page of its own soon enough.

The ARSENAL are rocking now, will write something on that.

The Eileen messages were a hoax. A prank by a friend, really really had me going. I was set up like a kipper no doubt. All those old feelings came pouring out. Whatever happens in the next year it will be all about leaving Eileen and Sandra far behind. I guess the prank proved that if nothing else.

More soon,

Just a word before I am off to Shanghai.


What a week, not only have we have the bombshell at work, not only did we have Arsenal scoring 8 penalties but we had the FREAKIEST mystery smses yet!

OK so we know about the Liz inspired threats, and the threats from that joker in May and the ones from Aziz but this has to be the scariest. And why? Because they almost certainly came from Eileen!! Yes Miss Hard-Khor herself. Not that that in itself if a bad thing, it has been a long time and it would be nice to catch up. It was dreadful how things ended between us, really my biggest mistake/stuff up and sadly it cast a shadow over the next relationship with you all know who.

Well the communication lasted twenty-four hours the mystery gal refused to give away her identity and she went from friendly and chatty to openly hostile and almost vengeful. Scary hor!

How happy would she be if I had told her my next girlfriend after her had run off with another man and I had lost 7 kilos in weight. But seems she is not destined to know?

So the tone was set from here, no way was this person going to give themselves away and the arrogant . I know you better than you know yourself tone was established. Guilty mei? I replied, I would just like to catch up with her that is all. her favourite colour was blue and she likes wine. Very Eileenesque I must say. Plus her smses were in near perfect English, which was Eileen

7th October

Not sure I can keep up each week doing this. Luckily this one has been a bit less traumatic than the end of September. Apart from work which continues to be very demanding in so many ways.

Fantastic football match on Saturday. Nick Hornby once said the key to a happy life is not following a football team. I agree but nevertheless Saturday was an incredible high. And I had my Singapore gooners over to watch. Great atmosphere and pure elation when Pires sent that one into the back of the Scouser's net. Nick Hornby is right but I'll take the years of misery for the moments like Saturday. Saturday may be a watershed in other ways or I hope so. Things fell apart with the ex the day we got trashed by Blackburn. Since then we haven't really had a great result (bar the excellent cup run). I'm hoping Saturday was the start of better things for the red and whites and for me.

Last at night out with S we got pulled into a Bollywood party but we weren't dressed for it. Only in Sing does one get pulled into random parties whilst walking down the street at midnight.

I scored the winning penalty in a shoot out for the SCB team on Sunday. First penalty I had taken since I was at secondary school. Nice to score, eased the pain of the KL game just a little.

OK I'm rambling. Saw an OK film on Wednesday, 28 days later. Some good ideas but a poor ending and not much character development (when was the last time a film had character development?). Loved the scenes of a deserted London.

Wonderful piece of information on the BBC; during the church leadership conference in Canberra in 1994 there was a 250% increase in turnover in the city's brothels. Lovely!

Hello it has been an interesting week.

On the football front we had the battle of old Trafford followed by the thrilling win against Newcastle. If ever I had needed a reason to despise the British and Singapore press then the OTT coverage of the handbags at OT confirmed it. I think it was unsporting and worthy of censure but these bans are ridiculous. Where was the violence? How can that be violent conduct? Fantastic performance on Friday night though and it was achieved under very trying circumstances. We are playing in Russia tonight. Last time we played in Moscow i was in Julie's house in Boston!

I went to see Yes on Thursday it was amazing to see them in Singapore. Smsed the wee one in London and we agreed that they were all little too indulgent in the solo performances and they lacked a bit of punch this time round. Oh well still good to see them.

On Friday I saw the ex. First time for two months. It was her birthday. I must confess I was pleased to see her but as the meal went on I began to feel the difference, the space between us. I felt uncomfortable, and she stated getting phone calls orrganising another night out in Zouk (her usual hang out). Well at the end I really wanted to make a move before I felt too awkward but then she started to talking to some people, I jumped in a cab and that was it. It was really not fun and she even smsed me by mistake (instead of a friend of hers) to complain how it went. Don't know what to do with myself. It seems I was right when I said in general hanging out with exes is a fraught and difficult thing.

Saturday was breathless but fun. Played arcade games during the day and then went out to cheong the night away with two great gals. Felt a lot better after that. Sunday saw me get a new batch of threatening smses. My third dose this year, I had better be more careful. A single chap living far from home is vulnerable. Then I cooked for Sim's cousin Tecla. She is from Zimbabwe (as is Sim) and so it was nice for two outsiders to get together and chat about Singapore and our observations on it. One amusing thing was that Tecla told me her very first thought on seeing me was 'what this naughty boy is Simukai's friend?!'

Sunday 21st

People who are adept at online journals seem able to pour their hearts out on to the page, I am having trouble rasing this above the level of 12 years old school girl's diary. Though come to think of it that could have some very exciting stuff. There are probably hundreds of those on-line in fact.

Busy weekend. The KL games yesterday which I shan't expand on. Diane's wedding tonight and then a small matter of The Arsenal playing some Northern provincial team tonight.

OK off to see Yes on Thursday, first ever time they have been to Singapore, wonder why they have come this time? Anyway anyone curious can check out http://www.yesworld.com/. Though in general I find music based websites disappointing, the record company ones are geared up to marketing and the ones by fans can be, for want of a better phrase, rather lame. 'Name your favourite Yes song' etc, as if we really need a website for that? Looking up rock and roll websites is a genuine last resort.

Today it is raining, I know someone who will be happy.

What is on the Stereo this week?
1. Captain Beefheart's magic band, 'Trout mask replica' for info check out http://www.beefheart.com/

2. Sly and the family stone, 'There is a riot going on'. http://www.slystone.com/

3. King Crimson, 'An introduction to Projeckts' http://www.king-crimson.com/

Enough for now, come on the Gunners ce soir.

Arsenal Rants

16th October 2004

I have a huge day of football ahead. I am playing at 5 and then settling down to watch a series of games and hopefully a good performance from the boys; all this as a nice appetizer before the big one next Sunday night. And let us face it; WE OWE THEM. For the way the cheated us in 2003, for the sending off that never was at Highbury, which put Campbell out for the campaign. For the collusion with Bolton and the three injuries they inflicted on us in 20 mins. For Mike Riley’s 6 penalties in 8 games, for the diving at OT last season, for the disgraceful penalty decision which was shameless cheating/bias and for the Manc loving media’s frenzy of Arsenal baiting after a little push and shove at OT at the final whistle. I have seen far worse punch ups since then, look at the recent Fulham game yet there were calls for the Arsenal to be deducted 9 points after the battle of OT. As it was the suspensions were over the top, what was Ray suspended for, a pat on Horseface’s tummy? All depressing stuff but what did not kill us made us stronger. But until we put a decent win against them we will not have shown them just how much better we are. Not beaten them in the league since that fateful night 2002! Too long.

A word on the dark Knight. Cannot the scum’s hordes of glory hunters see all the mistakes he has made. How he has taken a team from ‘best in the world’ in 99 to this! He does not care any more. Wenger is working for the future of a club that he feels apart of and will be a part of for the next decade. Will Fergie be there in 10 years, I hope so but he does not feel that he will. He just wants to go out with a bang a European cup, he has been busy enriching himself over the last few years and splashing out on big names to paper over the cracks that have been growing since 99. The major one being that no new young players have come through at Man Yoo since the Scholes, Becks and others came in, in the mid 90s. His midfield first choice has three out of four of the same players that he used to win the double in 96! For fecks sake, Giggs, Scholes and Keane have all passed it at the same time and he still reckons Solks can do a job for him? Who is he trying to kid? The bit part midfielders he has brought in are a joke with Veron the biggest joke in English football; I’d rather have Petrovic! All his ‘good’ work at the beginning of his career is being undermined by the utter balls up he is leaving behind to his eventual successor (if there is a club left by the time he is finished). His only solution now is to throw money at the problems, not enough goals, lets buy Saha (15m) and Smith (8m) oh and fat boy (27++m). Er? What the feck, you buy three first choice strikers in the space of 6 months for a shed load of cash, which you can hardly afford. Oh lets not forget Bellion blinkin flip no thought for the long-term well being of the club. I want to win the European cup and f**k the consequences. Great red nose! Except those three different strikers need you to play three different ways and you have no clue what to do with them. Meanwhile toiling behind them is a midfield of three has-beens on a good day or Phil Neville, Darren Fletcher, Djemba and Liam Miller on a very ‘good’ day.

So Sir Alex has spent about 150-200m quid since 2001 and created a team far worse than that one. Genius, I am not sure anyone of us could have done better. He should, of course, have resigned in 2002 but oh no he had to go out on a high and Arsenal winning the league was too much for him to stomach. But the greedy old get does not retire in 2003 because he is deluded enough to think he has seen the Arsenal off, think again this is not Kenny Dalgliesh’s Blackburn! So he soldiers on, he gets richer, other directors get nervous (notice the Coolmore mafia’s 99 questions to the board), and money gets shovelled onto the bonfire of vanities at the theatre of empty dreams.

 Brace yourselves Mancs your nemesis awaits

13th August 04

48 hours to kick off

Roy Keane

Do you not just hate him?

I know I do, to think he chose Scum U ahead of us. Kissing his Notts Forest shirt at Highbury all those years ago. What a turd! In his honour I wrote these songs.

Ooooh Keano

I want to knoooow

where your league has gone

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

He hasn't won a thing

He's wose than Ledley King

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

His manager's a c*nt

Who spawned this Irish runt

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

He didn't win the league

Because of Fergie's greed

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

He a twisted piece of sh*t

Who's past it but won't admit it

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

The best a mum could have

If only he knew his dad

Oooh Keano, ooooh, oooh Keano oo oo oo oh oh

Remember Keanegate, when he was banned for 5 matches, whilst injured, for ending Haaland's career. Perhaps the trial went a bit like this; as I wrote at the time:

FA: Mr Keane you are accused of assaulting a fellow professionally,

deliberately and with intent to harm. How do you defend this action?

RK: Feck off ya English c***

FA: And to make matters worse Mr Keane you publicised it in your book and

stand to earn 1million plus from your actions whilst the man you assailed

has had to retire early. How can you justify this?

RK: You are a fecking crap FA! You haven't even provided refreshments at the

hearing! Do you think Hasselbaink right now is standing in front of a bunch

of English c***s thirsty and under-nourished.

FA: But Mr Keane deliberate assault on a player is a serious issue, Duncan

Ferguson was gaoled for this.

RK: Shove it up your bollix.

FA: In that case Mr Keane you leave me no choice. The verdict of the panel

is this.

Deduct 10 points from Arsenal and suspend Patrick Vieira.

Mr Keane you are free to go.

RK: Feck off.


16th July 2004

They loved him, they hailed him and then they completely forgot about him. But I will not let his passing go unremembered. My own personal tribute to the man who won nothing but our hearts, and especially when he kept losing to the Arsenal. Why why why Ranieiri?

From one Roman to another.

I saw the light the night he pulled off young Jimmy

I saw the tinkering madman poised there by the line

He was my Roman

I couldn't stop crying the night he went out of his mind

Bye bye bye Ranieiri

Why why why Ranieiri?  

I could see that this Latin clown was no good for me

I was lost like Huth watching Morientes running through free


At break of day when Sven had drove away I was waiting

I crossed the street to his house and he opened the door

He stood there laughing

I felt the knife in my hand and he tinkers no more.

Bye bye bye Ranieiri

Why why why Ranieiri

So when the come to break down the door

Forgive me young Claudio I just couldn't take anymore

8th July 2004

Gosh I have not updated this for a while.

What about dat dere Euro ding den! Poor old England, what is wrong with us that everytime we get a decent team together there is a hard luck story. Bad management by the FA since the 70s have cost us dearly, managers and teams never get time to grow. Gosh if Greece can win why cannot we? After all we actually have a better defence than they do; though not a better keeper. Think of how Robson left after 90 with the best England team since 70 and guess what happens, we appoint Taylor! Then Venables builds another good team and guess what he has to leave; Hoddle does OK and then he is sacked and then Keggy Keegle! Proven losers in charge of the national team again and again. If we are paying 4m a year what about getting the best!

One thing we do have the best of and that is fans. The England fans were incedible, every game was a home game for England and we raised the roof everytime. Compare the atmosphere at England games with all the empty seats at other ones, including home nation games. Oh and no trouble, in fact when was the last time England fans caused trouble? Charleroi was started by the fuzz and

Marseilles was nothing, absolutely nothing. Even England hating UEFA cannot pin any blame on us anymore. Allez les Anglais.

My tournament ratings for England

James 5

Neville 8

Terry 6,

not sure he really justified his selection over the impressive King

Sol man. 10,

he is the best defender in Europe right now

Ashley, 9

got better and better and had no help on the left side

Becks, 5

and that is being kind. Where is the player of Greece 2002? Joining the Harlem globe trotters was obviously a bad move. Was he really fit?

Fat Frank; 8.

Ok he was not commanding but 3 goals from midfield in his first tournament. That is excellent.

Steven G, 6

er better than Vieira or Keane, like feck. Not the player we hoped he would be,

Paul Scholes, 4.

After a dreadful run of form for England in the lead up games he showed remarkable consistency. Totally anonymous when it really mattered. Sven's worst decision of all was to keep starting the ginger one.

Rooney: 10.

If he had stayed fit we would have won easily yesterday. He nearly won the whole thing for England single handedly. Funny not much analysis of how he came to have his foot broken by a Portuguese player..

Owen; 7

Got a lot of stick but he was just warming up nicely, shame he did not get much service.

England's bench was not good enough, Neville and Heskey had a heavy negative affect on us when they came on.

Sven 4, He gets us there but he cannot beat the top teams. He is no Scolari. Looking more and more Houllier like

11th May

It cannot be shouted loud enough


now let the best team in the history of English football make history on Saturday!


16th April

After the disaster of the Chelsea and Man U games we got back on track. As ANR pointed out the invisible man (MR Gilberto) has had a big influence since coming back. I do not know how he does what he does but we only miss him when he is gone. I do not care what Danny T thinks I know we missed Raymondo against Scum and scummer. Now it is our old friends Leeds at THOF. People forget that we were not out of it when they beat us, a win would have kept the last day last year very interesting. The buggers, we should roast them; rem what JFH did to us in 99! Time for revenge is now. Allez Les Rouges.

Did anyone see on www.anr.uk.com that Myles likes the Band. How cool is he man? He has impeccable taste in football and music.

5th April 2004


What a shame that we had to lose to the world's least favourite team; a familiar pattern in cup semis versus them. The papers have been rubbing their hands in glee at the thought of an Arsenal collapse. I would raise a few points at this juncture.

  1. If we had scored one of those excellent chance at the beginning we would all be saying what a genius Wenger was winning the game with a weakened team; remember we played Wiltord and Jeffers up-front last year.
  2. Man U only created one decent chance in the whole match, in the end we lost a tight match one nil, which could have gone either way.
  3. Scholes is an unconscionable cheat. He was told by his boss to deliberately take Reyes out of the game and he did, at the cost of a desultory yellow card. He is a disgrace to football, I hope he breaks both knees before Euro 2004 and we are spared him disgracing an England shirt again.

So Man U are this year's bogey team. I will gladly swap that for us being Chelsea's bogey team. It is all about Tuesday night now. I have faith, Wenger has given us a lot lets hope he can do it again.

19th February 2004

I had to do it, I had to examine the Arsenal for chavery. Here are my findings on the current first team

Lehman: Chavometer Poor, bit mouthy but hardly Chav at all. More like an angry Geography master than a scally hopeful.

Cole: Chavometer Medium, Potential to be a chav, definitely mouthy but not in the league of hardened Chavs such as Fowler, Rooney, Bellamy

Toure: Chavometer He is the anti-Chav. He even reads books, allegedly.

Sol man: Chavometer Medium, Lots of chavvy potential but shy demeanour lets him down, would not bother anyone walking past an offy.

Lauren: Chavometer Nah, caaan spaaar englassss caaaan heeee

Freddie: Chavometer Not totally chav free but too much of a gay icon, camp freddy a chav? cannot be!

Edu: Chavometer No, looks like ones uncle, more likely to rough up a few scallies who are bothering some nice people shopping in the high street. 'Clear off young pikeys'

Vieira: Chavometer Medium, elements of chav but green velvet coats just ain't chavvy know what I mean?

Pires: Chavometer Low; The general raffish, Gallic bohemian look makes up for the red pumas advert. Could there be a latent chav inside?

Bergkamp: Chavometer Low, Too mean too moody. I am sure Bergkamp would never wear a burberry baseball cap.

Henry: Medium, yes there is the Sean Paul potential, the hunched shoulders chavvy shuffle. But sense of comic irony means he will never make the grade. Worry not Bowyer, J Terry, Jody Morris et al; Henry will never be true Chav greatness.

Overall score: Farking lousy. This lot could not large it in a sandpit in a public park in Morden. Pure let down on the chavometer. Unless Arsenal draft in the fringe element Jeffers, Pennant, Wiltord and Bentley and all, they will never be able to cut it with the true Townies.

19th January 2004

A happy xmas for all Gooners. Notice how well we did when I was back home. I went to St Mary's and Elland Road to increase my hit list of grounds around the country. I thought the display at Elland Road was fantastic, the goals were such quality. These are great times for the team. I believe we have improved in every department and every single player seems to have got better. We are a far better side than a year ago. Of course there is loads of footy to go but we must salute what the team has achieved all ready. Can you believe these stats

Unbeaten in 22 games this season

Lost only 2 games out of the last 43 league games

Lost only 7 of the last 93.

Allez Les Rouges


13th December

10th of December will live long in the memory as a glorius night for the Arsenal. Back from the dead to become group winners and the press all over England having to eat their words. Of course they haven't admitted that their pathetically biased and small minded appriasal of Arsenal written after the home defeat to Inter was woeful.But no one sacks journos for being consistently rubbish and wrong. If I had the time I'd keep a list of shame to get at the hacks whenever they mess up. But they continue to write drivel whatever happens in the end.

I have a football song that I sent to Gooner Songs. They like it so much they want to meet up before one of the xmas games. So here it is Thank You Arsene Wenger to the tune of Thank you for the music by Abba

Thank you Arsene Wenger for all our winning

Thanks for all the cups they're bringing

Who can live without you, I ask in all honesty

How good can life be?

Beating the scum and mancs easily.

So I say thank you Arsene Wenger

For giving this to me

9th December

Doesn't the Arseblog chap have a cool life. Just teaches English to a bunch of Spanish lemons and then boozes and watches the Arse and is now a world famous bloke thanks to Arseblog. So nice

What a strange couple of weeks. Two immensely impressive cup results, European and League Cup, and two very ordinary league results.

The Gunners best start to a league campaign and yet we aren't even top. This season will be very tough. I could have predicted after the heroics against Inter that we would go flat in the league. Unfortunately Saturday's game was not on telly. The first Arsenal league game not to be televised this season! Amazing that isn't it, we are so spoilt in Asia. I notice Alan Smith is up for grabs, if there is one type of player we lack it is a centre forward like him and modern Stapleton. Only reservation is that Smudger does not score enough. Think he'd fight for the cause though eh!

9th Novemeber

My holiday coincided with a red and white clean sweep. Leeds put the sword as I watched in a jazz bar in Shanghai. Saw Ashley put Kiev to bed in typical Arsenal late goal style at 6am Peking time. Then a thrilling and I suppose fortunate win over our North London cousins that will bring much cheer and rejoicing to the streets of my old town. Well beating Spurs is just three points these days, I often find myself feeling sorry for them. :-)

I think it is obvious that the turning point was taking off Lauren and Silva. They had been having a stinker. Thought Kanu played well again and why would anyone want to drop Pires. His goals are crucial, I knew he would be following up on Henry, he always is. Unusual of Arsene to identify who is playing badly. Usually his substitutions are not so tactical but taking off those two was a master-stroke. Does Arsene know his best team though? And anyone notice that we have been winning all this without our supposed best player?

Allez les Rouges

7th October

Still basking in the glory of beating Liverpool (at Anfield) for only the second time in the last 10 years. And of course I was there last time some more! This was a special result but I think I'd like to pick out Edu especially. Surely it is time he had a first team run. He is becoming the all round complete player. A good tackler he does the defensive work plus he can pass and scores goals. He is the closest thing to Petit we possess. He should be on his way to a Brazil call up if this goes on.

Looking forward to England now, come on les blancs.

Sunday 21st September.
I could dissect the Inter game but it is too depressing. All I can say is I am bloody nervous!